Senin, 27 Juli 2015

Tumbuhan Mengkudu untuk kesehatan

These plants grow in the lowlands up at an altitude of 1500 m. Noni tree height reaches 3-8 m, has a white flower head. The fruit is a fruit compound, which is still young and has a glossy green spots, and when the old white with black spots.
Traditionally, the people of Aceh to use noni as a vegetable and salad. The leaves are also used as an ingredient nicah peugaga which often appears as a mandatory menu iftar. Therefore, noni is often planted near homes in the countryside in Aceh. Besides noni is also often used as a medicine. Morinda citrifolia, or what we are familiar with noni or pace indeed, who had been believed to cure various diseases. Even the fruit is touted as the "Hawaiian Magic Plant" magic of Hawaiian plants.
Fruit which was formerly referred to as "Noni" is also a sacred fruit in 1500 BC by the Polynesian. The nation believes if noni has many distinct benefits for the people of Polynesia.
Now we are faced with advances in technology and increasingly sophisticated information and whether the myth of the noni fruit is correct? Okay let us analyze what the content of the noni fruit!Know the Benefits of Noni Fruit
Noni fruit contains compounds Terpenoids, antibacterial agents, Acid arkobat, Scopeletin, Anti-Cancer Substance, Xereonine, and has a complete nutrition required for the human body.
Noni Fruit Ingredients:

Nutrients: whole noni is a fruit full of nutritious foods. A nutrient that the body needs, such as proteins, viamin, and essential minerals, available in sufficient quantities in fruits and noni leaf. Selenium, a mineral found in noni is a great antioxidant. Various types of compounds contained in noni: xeronine, plant sterois, alizarin, lycine, sosium, caprylic acid, arginine, proxeronine, between multiple quinines, trace elemens, phenylalanine, magnesium, etc.

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