Senin, 27 Juli 2015

Buah-Buahhan Alpukat atau Avocado untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan

Avocados in Indonesian dictionary called Avocado which is derived the name from the English: Avocado. Fruit of the genus Persea Lauraceae family has a Latin name Persea americana. This fruit comes from Central America and Mexico, but now quite a few are cultivated as a crop monocultures or perkarangan home in tropical regions such as Central America and South America.

Avocado or avocado name was first said by residents Aztec tribe who live in areas of Central America and Mexico. This plant has been introduced to the residents of central Europe of the 16th century by Martin Fernandez de Enciso, a leader of the Spanish forces during colonial Central America. From that Indonesia knows avocado since the Dutch colonial period many shipments of fruit for the purpose of chitterlings.

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