Selasa, 28 Juli 2015

Manfaat Buah Jambu biji

Home »Benefits» Benefits of Guava Fruit White To Health
White Guava Fruit Benefits To Health
by 15menit | category Benefits | No Comments

Did you know about the benefits of guava fruit? As a tropical plant species, guava often found in Indonesia. The tree grows in the yard around the house. We do not need to be planted, the trees sometimes grow on its own.

The tree grows from seeds that had carried by fruit-eating animals. Guava first cultivated in Brazil. Then brought to Indonesia and several tropical countries in Southeast Asia.

Until now, guava increasingly found in various species, such as red guava, guava white guava and Bangkok. In addition to growing wild guava tree is also cultivated by farmers, because guava has a high value.

In addition to the above benefits, guava also has other benefits for our health. What are the benefits? Let's look at some of the benefits of guava below:

- Treating constipation, since the high fiber content in guava helps the digestive process. Mineral and fiber content of the guava also protects the mucous membrane lining of the intestine.

- Fiber, minerals and vitamins in fruit seeds jambi able to maintain immunity. It is very necessary for the dengue mosquito infected with the virus and other diseases.

- The benefits of guava fruit to other health is to meet the nutritional needs food. The content of vitamin B3 and B6 are very good for the development of the brain excitatory and increase appetite.

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