Selasa, 28 Juli 2015

Manfaat Buah Jeruk Purut

Lime fruit found in many places, most often found in the garden or in the kitchen. Kaffir lime has a small form and uneven skin, the smell is also different from other citrus, alias has its own unique aroma. Kaffir lime is in addition to being food seasonings, are also beneficial for our body. Benefits of kaffir lime is not only present in the fruit, but the leaves could also be utilized.

Lime for health benefits
1. Healing influenza
The trick lime slices ripe and juicy, then squeeze and brewed with hot water to taste. While warm water is lime. In addition, it could also eat fresh vegetables and fruits lime leaves that have been cut into pieces, astiri oil content in the lime leaves it helps improve metabolism.
2. Anti-dandruff
Benefits lime to overcome dandruff, how halved lime fruit each into 2 parts, then rub it gently into the scalp and leave for 15 minutes, then wipe with a wash. When the head of the state should do so in a clean state or discharged shampooed.
3. Overcoming scaly skin
The way split old lime into 2 parts, then rub it on the skin or dry scaly. You should do before going to bed just once a day
4. Overcoming fatigue
The trick boiled 2 handfuls of lime leaves are still fresh with 3 liters of water to a boil, then mix with clean water to become warm and use for bathing.
Well, that's some lime to the health benefits that can be conveyed. Hopefully this article can be helpful and useful to you.

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