Rambutan is a kind of seasonal fruit harvested only when the particular month. Fruit that has the Latin name Nephelium lappaceum L has a variety of benefits for the health and beauty of your skin. Rambutan variety of benefits can be found not in their fruit but also wood, seeds, and fruit skin, so that all these rambutan plant morphology contribute to the health of your body.
There are several benefits of rambutan fruit that can be used to treat the disease in your body, including the following:
1. Treating canker sores. The content of vitamin C is high capable of treating thrush perched ringga your mouth. how
to treat it very easy, grab some wood rambutan then wash them clean and
boil and add 2 cups of water to boil and the remaining 1 cup only. Then kumurkan these ingredients before bed.
2. Treating diabetes. You
do not need to be confused how to treat diabetes, enough to provide
five rambutan seeds and fried without oil, then blend it up into powder.
then sduh in a cup of hot water mix well, then drink.
3. Treat dysentery. If
you are experiencing dysentery, alternative healing that you can use is
to prepare 10 rambutan skin, then wash and cut into slices boiled with
three cups of water until the water remaining half. Strain and drink twice a day.
4. Reduce fever. If your child was sick heat, alternative medicine is that you can use rambutan skin dry. The trick is to wash the skin of rambutan (15 grams) lalku boiled with an added 3 cups of water, then drink three times a day.
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