Senin, 27 Juli 2015

Buah-Buahhan Anggur untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan

Nitric oxide levels in the blood increases when you eat grapes, which is beneficial to prevent clotting and reduce the risk of heart disease. Antioxidants can also stop the oxidation of LDL cholesterol that blocks a blood vessel.

Breast Cancer

Research also shows that purple grape juice helps in preventing breast cancer significantly reduced tumor mass in the breast.


The wine can help get rid of the acid in the kidneys. This means reducing the pressure disturbances in the kidneys.

Eliminating Wrinkles Face.

Grape seed oil can be a solution, how, by applying it in the area face started to twitch before going to bed. Grape seed oil is rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids that can make your face look younger.

Whiten Teeth

The grapes are ripe can be used as one snack menu for those who want to whiten teeth. Malic acid contained in grapes, it will naturally remove stains on the teeth, as well as address the discoloration of the teeth.
It was her friend grapes benefits for health and beauty of the body you should know to keep it healthy and beautiful, especially women who always want to look beautiful and smooth. Hopefully useful and good to try at home.

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