Selasa, 28 Juli 2015

Manfaat Tumbuhan kumis kucing bagi kesehatan

People are much more frequent use of the plant cat's whiskers herbal medicine therapy. Types of leaves are used sometimes there is too wet, dry, depending on how the prescription given by the experts of traditional medicine.

In the homeland of dried leaves cat whiskers useful as a laxative urine (diuretic), and rheumatic drugs made by Indian residents in the township. In addition, the plant uses other cat whiskers empirically as well as cough, rheumatism, colds and constipation.

From drug Plants Cats Whisker
In order for this article more useful to you, I have quoted potions made from cat's whiskers plant to cure various kinds of diseases.
Before you need to remember that these recipes come from many sources online, if you try a bit apprehensive to try it first ask your doctor or herbalists about the truth of the following drugs.
1. Kidney Stones
- Pick leaves cat whiskers until the number reaches three hand.- Prepare also 5 leaves nasty shard for additional materials.- Boil 2 cups of water into the material was to boiling and the remaining one cup of water.- Take this routine kidney stone medication 2 times a day until you reportedly cured by doctors.
2. Urinary Stone
- Pick 7 leaves cat whiskers and 7 plants meniran.- Boil two plants in a pot containing 2 cups of water, waiting for the water to boil and the remaining 1 cup.- Take medications routinely bladder stones in day 3 times.
3. Gout and Uric Acid
- Pick 5 leaves cat whiskers and 5 meniran plants.- Boil in 2 cups of water until remaining 1 glass.- Drink boiled water which is a drug gout and uric acid three times a day until healed.
4. Whitish
- Set up a handful of leaves and leaf beluntas cat whiskers.- Boil together 1 cup of water to boiling and the remaining half.- When boiling, add 10 seeds cubeb and 1 teaspoon of cumin.- When boiling, remove from heat and cold wait.- Drinking herbal medicine is routinely whitish 2 times a day.
5. Diabetes, Hypertension, and Facilitate Urine
- Prepare 2 cups of boiled water to boil.- Also provide 2 handfuls of leaves cat whiskers.- Pour water into the pan, put all the leaves cat whiskers.- Boil until boiling and 1 cup of water left behind.- Take this medication daily routine one time to produce positive results.

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