Benefits leaf distance is already very commonly used by people as herbs. Therefore, the plant known as dispensaries life, many are looking for it because it is believed to cure various diseases. From the first, the plant has become a bone of contention within the invaders. Because these plants have a thorough benefit of leaves, fruit until seeds.
1. Overcoming bowel obstruction
Distance leaves are still fresh, then steamed and can be eaten as fresh vegetables in your diet. It is effective once to launch B.A.B.
2. Reduce heat to infants
2 to 3 leaves within yan already clean. then basting oil meal is fresh. Heat leaves above the burner 2 minutes until the heat feels uneven. Place the leaves on the stomach and punngung baby or that are not easily separated, can be paired in a baby octopus
3. Treating Ringworm
Castor oil effective in treating ringworm and common skin problems. Active compounds called undecylenic acid found in castor oil, helps treat ringworm.
Jumat, 31 Juli 2015
Manfaat Tumbuhan Kaktus Pir Berduri
This pear cactus fruit contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, calories 41 Kal, 9% carbohydrates, protein, fiber 3.5%, 85.6% water, fat, ash, high in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, selenium, sodium, and iron. So that makes this fruit is beneficial to health.
1.Menurunkan Weight
This type of cactus fruit is very good as diet menu. Therefore, having a high fiber content which can withstand hunger longer. In addition, the fiber content can aid digestion and prevent gastrointestinal diseases, such as hemorrhoids.
2.Mencegah hydration
Cactus pear has a water content of fruit with very many around 85.6%. So as to prevent dehydration or lack of fluids in the body.
3.Menambah Power
Pear cactus contains and refreshing properties, so it can make the body re-powered.
1.Menurunkan Weight
This type of cactus fruit is very good as diet menu. Therefore, having a high fiber content which can withstand hunger longer. In addition, the fiber content can aid digestion and prevent gastrointestinal diseases, such as hemorrhoids.
2.Mencegah hydration
Cactus pear has a water content of fruit with very many around 85.6%. So as to prevent dehydration or lack of fluids in the body.
3.Menambah Power
Pear cactus contains and refreshing properties, so it can make the body re-powered.
Manfaat Tumbuhan Brotowali untuk kesehatan
Brotowali or it could be called Tinospora cordifolia, known as bitterness. But make no mistake, because the bitterness that was a lot of people who consume it. Strange is not it? But that's the reality, with the super bitter taste, but Brotowali super well with its benefits, especially for health.
Roots 1.Manfaat Brotowali
Roots in Brotowali there is a substance called pikroretin, bitter substances contained in the trunk as well. This substance serves as a stimulant performance nerves in the respiratory tract. That happens is the state of the body temperature decreases berjalanan heat exchange performance of a substance in the body, so that breathing goes smoothly.
Trunk 2.Manfaat Brotowali
This Brotowali plant stems boiled, and can be applied just as well be drunk, according to the needs to be achieved, where Brotowali work as:
The drinking as a natural remedy for appetite enhancer, can also be mixed with the leaves Brotowali.
Roots 1.Manfaat Brotowali
Roots in Brotowali there is a substance called pikroretin, bitter substances contained in the trunk as well. This substance serves as a stimulant performance nerves in the respiratory tract. That happens is the state of the body temperature decreases berjalanan heat exchange performance of a substance in the body, so that breathing goes smoothly.
Trunk 2.Manfaat Brotowali
This Brotowali plant stems boiled, and can be applied just as well be drunk, according to the needs to be achieved, where Brotowali work as:
The drinking as a natural remedy for appetite enhancer, can also be mixed with the leaves Brotowali.
Manfaat Tumbuhan Meniran untuk kesehatan
In Meniran is beta-D-xylopyranoside and beta-sitosteroy. Another newly discovered compounds are seco-4-hidroksilintetralin, seco-isoarisiresinol trimethyl ether, hidroksinirantin, dibenzilbutirolakton, nirfilin, and neolignan.
1.Anti bacteria.
Meniran methanol extract of the leaves has the highest antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This effect is due to the antibacterial compounds such Meniran phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin, niranthin, and nietetralin. Petroleum ether extract from the stems, leaves, and roots Meniran also showed antifungal effects.
2.Pelarut gout and kidney stones.
The content of flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides are compounds most commonly used in the treatment of gout and kidney stones. Therefore, Meniran rich in flavonid compounds, can be used to treat gout and kidney stones.
1.Anti bacteria.
Meniran methanol extract of the leaves has the highest antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This effect is due to the antibacterial compounds such Meniran phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin, niranthin, and nietetralin. Petroleum ether extract from the stems, leaves, and roots Meniran also showed antifungal effects.
2.Pelarut gout and kidney stones.
The content of flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides are compounds most commonly used in the treatment of gout and kidney stones. Therefore, Meniran rich in flavonid compounds, can be used to treat gout and kidney stones.
Manfaat Sayuran Brokoli untuk kesehatan
The benefits of broccoli is one of the vegetables that are often made for children. Broccoli is very good to support the growth in children. But there are many who do not like, when I have to eat with this vegetable. Broccoli does not have a taste as good as other vegetables, but it is very melimpih nutrient content and very good for the body.
1. Controlling cholesterol
Fiber on the benefits of broccoli controlling the buildup of cholesterol in the body. It is very good for heart health and also prevent symptoms of heart disease. So cook the broccoli by boiling to avoid the use of cooking oil.
2. It is important for eye health
Broccoli is also very rich in vitamin A which serves to maintain eye health and provide better vision. Mata is an important asset for us, so keep intake with our food intake with vitamin A as broccoli, carrots or beans. Lutein in broccoli is also able to maintain eye damage caused by sun exposure or aging.
Fiber on the benefits of broccoli controlling the buildup of cholesterol in the body. It is very good for heart health and also prevent symptoms of heart disease. So cook the broccoli by boiling to avoid the use of cooking oil.
2. It is important for eye health
Broccoli is also very rich in vitamin A which serves to maintain eye health and provide better vision. Mata is an important asset for us, so keep intake with our food intake with vitamin A as broccoli, carrots or beans. Lutein in broccoli is also able to maintain eye damage caused by sun exposure or aging.
Rabu, 29 Juli 2015
Manfaat Tanaman Ubi Ungu bagi kesehatan
Purple sweet potato (sweet potato vines) with the Latin name Ipomoea Batatas l Brazilians plants that have roots that propagate, these plants are also said to plant roots. Purple sweet potato is very lah has a content that can benefit the health and even beauty was also very helpful.
1.Melancarkan Circulatory
The content of anthocyanins contained in the purple sweet potato is an anti-oxidant substances was high mempu quickly absorb air pollution. In addition, it can mengahmbat freezing darh thus helping blood circulation smoothly and well.
2.Mencegah cancer risk
The content betkaroten, vitam C and vitamin E contained in the purple sweet potato so is helping his bermanfata as an antioxidant that can prevent the growth of cancer cells and various cardiovascular diseases.
3.Melancar the digestive system
Petin fiber and high in purple sweet potato so is good to help your digestion. Therefore a lot was eating sweet potatoes will elusion of disease problems such as constipation and other pencernan.

The content of anthocyanins contained in the purple sweet potato is an anti-oxidant substances was high mempu quickly absorb air pollution. In addition, it can mengahmbat freezing darh thus helping blood circulation smoothly and well.
2.Mencegah cancer risk
The content betkaroten, vitam C and vitamin E contained in the purple sweet potato so is helping his bermanfata as an antioxidant that can prevent the growth of cancer cells and various cardiovascular diseases.
3.Melancar the digestive system
Petin fiber and high in purple sweet potato so is good to help your digestion. Therefore a lot was eating sweet potatoes will elusion of disease problems such as constipation and other pencernan.
Manfaat Tumbuhan Jahe untuk kesehatan
Ginger is a medicinal plant in the form of quasi-trunked clump. Ginger comes from the Asia Pacific region which spread from India to China. Therefore, these two nations touted as the nation's first utilizing mainly as an ingredient drink ginger, spices and traditional medicines. Ginger is included in the tribe-finding (Zingiberaceae), sefamili with meeting other findings such as turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrizha), black meeting (Curcuma aeruginosa), turmeric (Curcuma domestica), kencur (Kaempferia galanga), galangal (Languas galanga) and other -Other.
1. Sign wind
How To Make:
1. Take the old ginger for seed fingers.
2. Rinse and crushed and boiled with two glasses of water.
3. Add the palm sugar them sufficiently.
4. Refrigerate 1/4 hour
5. Lift and drink warm.
2. headache or migraine (headaches)
How To Make:
1. Take the same mother ginger finger.
2. Burn and then crushed.
3. Pour a glass of water and give a little palm sugar.
Consumption ways:
1. Drink at once.
2. Drink three times a day.
3. Prevent Drunk Vehicles
Membut ways:
1. Take the same mother ginger finger.
2. Wash and slice thinly.
3. Then boiled with a glass of water.
4. Warm drink before boarding the vehicle.
Rempah-Rempah yang akan menjadi Obat
is one type of spice native to Indonesia were very famous since the colonial era. Besides as a cooking spice, clove is also commonly used as a mixture of typical Indonesian clove cigarettes.
The distinctive aroma of cloves produced by the compound eugenol, which is the main compound (72-90%) constituent of essential oil of clove.
1. Helps to Treat Tooth Pain
Clove oil has been used for centuries to treat a toothache. The trick is easy enough to put / apply the clove oil in the hole where the tooth pain. The result is extraordinary, substances contained in the cloves are believed to have antibiotic properties which are very potent in killing bacteria.
2. Prevent Inflammation
Various active substances such as flavonoids found in the original oil of clove. Flavonoids work with anti-inflammatory properties that will reduce inflammation in rheumatic diseases for example. It feels warm could also be an expectorant to treat various conditions of the respiratory tract disorders.
3. Coping with nausea and vomiting
Cloves have a variety of compounds that are very effective to treat nausea and vomiting, in addition to clove oil is also effective to deal with complaints of nausea and vomiting.
4. Improve the digestive system
Clove helps relax the smooth lining the digestive tract, so they help relieve vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal gas and abdominal pain. However, it must be considered because they have a substance that is strong enough so that it can irritate the stomach.
The distinctive aroma of cloves produced by the compound eugenol, which is the main compound (72-90%) constituent of essential oil of clove.
1. Helps to Treat Tooth Pain
Clove oil has been used for centuries to treat a toothache. The trick is easy enough to put / apply the clove oil in the hole where the tooth pain. The result is extraordinary, substances contained in the cloves are believed to have antibiotic properties which are very potent in killing bacteria.
2. Prevent Inflammation
Various active substances such as flavonoids found in the original oil of clove. Flavonoids work with anti-inflammatory properties that will reduce inflammation in rheumatic diseases for example. It feels warm could also be an expectorant to treat various conditions of the respiratory tract disorders.
3. Coping with nausea and vomiting
Cloves have a variety of compounds that are very effective to treat nausea and vomiting, in addition to clove oil is also effective to deal with complaints of nausea and vomiting.
4. Improve the digestive system
Clove helps relax the smooth lining the digestive tract, so they help relieve vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal gas and abdominal pain. However, it must be considered because they have a substance that is strong enough so that it can irritate the stomach.
Manfaat Tumbuhan Pare bagi kesehatan
Pare has the Latin name momordica charantina. There is a dark green color there is also a light green, depending on which place to grow. Old fruit somewhat yellowish color with red fruit or brown. Cucumber-like fruit with curly surface is usually cooked by pan-fried with soybean, bean sprouts and green peppers. For fans of dumplings, vegetables must often also f
Pare Benefits for Health
When talking about the health benefits of bitter melon, then it is a lot. Pare has the effect of lowering heat, strengthen the function of the kidneys, spleen and liver, treatment of dysentery, ulcers, fever, heatstroke, excessive sweating, inflammation of the lining of the eyes, difficulty urinating and other diseases. However, for those who have a spleen and stomach disorders, it is recommended not to consume these vegetables.
Society Okinawa, Japan is a clear evidence of the efficacy of bitter melon for health. It is an area where the population has a long life in the world.
Benefits of breastfeeding Smooth Fruit Pare
Indonesian traditional societies have long known pare a nutritious vegetable for nursing mothers because it can increase milk production. In addition, these vegetables can also make breastfeeding becomes more viscous so the baby becomes satiety.
When talking about the health benefits of bitter melon, then it is a lot. Pare has the effect of lowering heat, strengthen the function of the kidneys, spleen and liver, treatment of dysentery, ulcers, fever, heatstroke, excessive sweating, inflammation of the lining of the eyes, difficulty urinating and other diseases. However, for those who have a spleen and stomach disorders, it is recommended not to consume these vegetables.
Society Okinawa, Japan is a clear evidence of the efficacy of bitter melon for health. It is an area where the population has a long life in the world.
Benefits of breastfeeding Smooth Fruit Pare
Indonesian traditional societies have long known pare a nutritious vegetable for nursing mothers because it can increase milk production. In addition, these vegetables can also make breastfeeding becomes more viscous so the baby becomes satiety.
Manfaat Tumbuhan Kedelai bagi kesehatan
In addition as the manufacture of soybean was soy has properties that are good for the body because it contains high levels of protein and lechitin.
1. By consuming soy beans such as tempeh, tofu and other cells in the body will be protected from the adverse effects of free radicals because soybeans contain anti-oxidants.
2. Soybeans can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
3. Efficacy soybeans also further treat kidney disease impotence.
4. Build intelligence and memory.
5. Overcoming gallstones
6. against cancer
7. Efficacy kacangkedelai next is smooth the skin, reducing the potential for premature aging and hair enrichment.
8. Insitol content of the soybean kacanng can cope with diabetes.
Selasa, 28 Juli 2015
Manfaat Buah Blimbing Wulu bagi kesehatan
Star fruit sometimes often we are familiar with this vegetable Belimbing is a plant that comes from the Maluku Islands later in Develop and Grow freely throughout Indonesia, Fillifina, Malaysia, Sri Lanka And Miyanmar.
1. Belimbing Wulu as Medicine Mumps.
Take 10 young twigs and leaves starfruit following 4 red onions after washed and finely ground. Then Apply to place the sick.
2.Obat Cough With Belimbing Wuluh
Materials Materials In Need:
• 25 flower starfruit,
• 1 finger rhizome Intersection bells,
• 1 finger cinnamon bark,
• 1 finger rhizome kencur,
• 2 red onions,
• 1/4 handheld gotu kola,
• 1/4 handheld sage leaves,
• 1/4 rue handful of leaves,
• 1/4 handful of leaves spoon,
1. Belimbing Wulu as Medicine Mumps.
Take 10 young twigs and leaves starfruit following 4 red onions after washed and finely ground. Then Apply to place the sick.
2.Obat Cough With Belimbing Wuluh
Materials Materials In Need:
• 25 flower starfruit,
• 1 finger rhizome Intersection bells,
• 1 finger cinnamon bark,
• 1 finger rhizome kencur,
• 2 red onions,
• 1/4 handheld gotu kola,
• 1/4 handheld sage leaves,
• 1/4 rue handful of leaves,
• 1/4 handful of leaves spoon,
Manfaat Tumbuhan kumis kucing bagi kesehatan
People are much more frequent use of the plant cat's whiskers herbal medicine therapy. Types of leaves are used sometimes there is too wet, dry, depending on how the prescription given by the experts of traditional medicine.
In the homeland of dried leaves cat whiskers useful as a laxative urine (diuretic), and rheumatic drugs made by Indian residents in the township. In addition, the plant uses other cat whiskers empirically as well as cough, rheumatism, colds and constipation.
From drug Plants Cats Whisker
In order for this article more useful to you, I have quoted potions made from cat's whiskers plant to cure various kinds of diseases.
Before you need to remember that these recipes come from many sources online, if you try a bit apprehensive to try it first ask your doctor or herbalists about the truth of the following drugs.
1. Kidney Stones
- Pick leaves cat whiskers until the number reaches three hand.- Prepare also 5 leaves nasty shard for additional materials.- Boil 2 cups of water into the material was to boiling and the remaining one cup of water.- Take this routine kidney stone medication 2 times a day until you reportedly cured by doctors.
2. Urinary Stone
- Pick 7 leaves cat whiskers and 7 plants meniran.- Boil two plants in a pot containing 2 cups of water, waiting for the water to boil and the remaining 1 cup.- Take medications routinely bladder stones in day 3 times.
3. Gout and Uric Acid
- Pick 5 leaves cat whiskers and 5 meniran plants.- Boil in 2 cups of water until remaining 1 glass.- Drink boiled water which is a drug gout and uric acid three times a day until healed.
4. Whitish
- Set up a handful of leaves and leaf beluntas cat whiskers.- Boil together 1 cup of water to boiling and the remaining half.- When boiling, add 10 seeds cubeb and 1 teaspoon of cumin.- When boiling, remove from heat and cold wait.- Drinking herbal medicine is routinely whitish 2 times a day.
5. Diabetes, Hypertension, and Facilitate Urine
- Prepare 2 cups of boiled water to boil.- Also provide 2 handfuls of leaves cat whiskers.- Pour water into the pan, put all the leaves cat whiskers.- Boil until boiling and 1 cup of water left behind.- Take this medication daily routine one time to produce positive results.
In the homeland of dried leaves cat whiskers useful as a laxative urine (diuretic), and rheumatic drugs made by Indian residents in the township. In addition, the plant uses other cat whiskers empirically as well as cough, rheumatism, colds and constipation.
From drug Plants Cats Whisker
In order for this article more useful to you, I have quoted potions made from cat's whiskers plant to cure various kinds of diseases.
Before you need to remember that these recipes come from many sources online, if you try a bit apprehensive to try it first ask your doctor or herbalists about the truth of the following drugs.
1. Kidney Stones
- Pick leaves cat whiskers until the number reaches three hand.- Prepare also 5 leaves nasty shard for additional materials.- Boil 2 cups of water into the material was to boiling and the remaining one cup of water.- Take this routine kidney stone medication 2 times a day until you reportedly cured by doctors.
2. Urinary Stone
- Pick 7 leaves cat whiskers and 7 plants meniran.- Boil two plants in a pot containing 2 cups of water, waiting for the water to boil and the remaining 1 cup.- Take medications routinely bladder stones in day 3 times.
3. Gout and Uric Acid
- Pick 5 leaves cat whiskers and 5 meniran plants.- Boil in 2 cups of water until remaining 1 glass.- Drink boiled water which is a drug gout and uric acid three times a day until healed.
4. Whitish
- Set up a handful of leaves and leaf beluntas cat whiskers.- Boil together 1 cup of water to boiling and the remaining half.- When boiling, add 10 seeds cubeb and 1 teaspoon of cumin.- When boiling, remove from heat and cold wait.- Drinking herbal medicine is routinely whitish 2 times a day.
5. Diabetes, Hypertension, and Facilitate Urine
- Prepare 2 cups of boiled water to boil.- Also provide 2 handfuls of leaves cat whiskers.- Pour water into the pan, put all the leaves cat whiskers.- Boil until boiling and 1 cup of water left behind.- Take this medication daily routine one time to produce positive results.
Manfaat buah Ciplukan bagi kesehatan
Now this one plant naman increasingly recognized thanks to the efficacy and benefits that exist in this ciplukan. Several studies ever conducted revealed under ciplukan shown to have a lot of content that is nutritious and beramanfaat for health, including saponins (the buds), flavonoids (leaves and shoots), polyphenols, tannins, and fisalin (fruit), Withangulatin A (fruit), palmitic acid and stearic acid Elaidic. (seed), alkaloids (root), Chlorogenik acid, C27H44O-H2O (stems and leaves), tannins (fruit), kriptoxantin (fruit), vitamin C and sugar (fruit).
1. treating Influenza
Plants 9-15 grams of boiled, drinking. Neutralizing toxins for influenza, 3 trees cut 5 cm, boiled in 4 cups of water, reserving 2 cups, strain, drink.
2. Treating Sore Throat
Plants 9-15 grams of boiled, drunk.
3. Treating Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Plants 9-15 grams, boiled, drunk.
4. treating Bronchitis
Plants 9-15 grams, boiled, drunk.
5. Treating Mumps (parotitis)
Plants 9-15 grams, boiled, drunk.
1. treating Influenza
Plants 9-15 grams of boiled, drinking. Neutralizing toxins for influenza, 3 trees cut 5 cm, boiled in 4 cups of water, reserving 2 cups, strain, drink.
2. Treating Sore Throat
Plants 9-15 grams of boiled, drunk.
3. Treating Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Plants 9-15 grams, boiled, drunk.
4. treating Bronchitis
Plants 9-15 grams, boiled, drunk.
5. Treating Mumps (parotitis)
Plants 9-15 grams, boiled, drunk.
Manfaat Buah Sirsak bagi kesehatan
Soursop fruit is green and usually have a sweet taste mixed with acid. Soursop fruit was very fresh at all if used as a drink spiked with ice in it. The fruit turns out not only serves to refresh your throat.
1.Drive out bad cholesterol
Soursop not only vitamin C but also contains fiber which is great for the body. Fiber on soursop fruit it can absorb the bad cholesterol found in the body. So it is left in the body is good cholesterol alone. So, for those of you who want to be healthy with no cholesterol drink a glass of soursop juice regularly. You know not if the body is filled with a lot of bad cholesterol can invite many diseases? Read also the article on how to lower cholesterol for a more complete explanation.
2.Keeping the immune
In 300 grams of soursop, turned out to contain 60 milligrams of vitamin C. Vitamin C in high soursop at least been able to meet the body's need for vitamin C. Besides vitamin C has an important role in maintaining the body's immune system, ward off free radicals to prevent premature aging. Therefore if you want to look fresh and young, was the consumption of soursop fruit regularly.
1.Drive out bad cholesterol
Soursop not only vitamin C but also contains fiber which is great for the body. Fiber on soursop fruit it can absorb the bad cholesterol found in the body. So it is left in the body is good cholesterol alone. So, for those of you who want to be healthy with no cholesterol drink a glass of soursop juice regularly. You know not if the body is filled with a lot of bad cholesterol can invite many diseases? Read also the article on how to lower cholesterol for a more complete explanation.
2.Keeping the immune
In 300 grams of soursop, turned out to contain 60 milligrams of vitamin C. Vitamin C in high soursop at least been able to meet the body's need for vitamin C. Besides vitamin C has an important role in maintaining the body's immune system, ward off free radicals to prevent premature aging. Therefore if you want to look fresh and young, was the consumption of soursop fruit regularly.
Manfaat Buah Salak bagi kesehatan
There are still many perceptions say barking is the fruit of cheap and do not have high nutrition. And it turns out it is wrong, in fact Salak Fruit Benefits are many and one of them has a high fiber and can treat a variety of diseases.
The bark fiber is superior to other fruits, for example mango, salak higher nutritional levels. So no wonder if the bark is very good and a lot of health benefits for frequent basis tratur mengkosumsinya.
1.Maintain Eye Health
Fruits contain beta-carotene which is very good for maintaining eye health. And bark are also 5.5 times greater than mangoes and 5 times larger than a watermelon.
2.Diarrhea medicine
When you do not cease BAB or diarrhea you should mengkosumsi fruits, as bark has a high fiber so it can afford to treat diarrhea.
3.helping Diet
For those of you who want to lose weight or diet, then fruits good for you kosumsi. With kandunga phytonutrients is in the bark can help your diet. Salak also have 2mg Vitamin C. Why fiber can help? because fiber can make you full faster and durable.
The bark fiber is superior to other fruits, for example mango, salak higher nutritional levels. So no wonder if the bark is very good and a lot of health benefits for frequent basis tratur mengkosumsinya.
1.Maintain Eye Health
Fruits contain beta-carotene which is very good for maintaining eye health. And bark are also 5.5 times greater than mangoes and 5 times larger than a watermelon.
2.Diarrhea medicine
When you do not cease BAB or diarrhea you should mengkosumsi fruits, as bark has a high fiber so it can afford to treat diarrhea.
3.helping Diet
For those of you who want to lose weight or diet, then fruits good for you kosumsi. With kandunga phytonutrients is in the bark can help your diet. Salak also have 2mg Vitamin C. Why fiber can help? because fiber can make you full faster and durable.
Manfaat Buah Nangka bagi kesehatan
Fruit Jackfruit Health Benefits For Body
Jackfruit has a sweet taste and texture of the flesh of the fruit that is rich in fiber. But not only that, jackfruit also has a myriad of benefits. For that through this article I try to share information regarding the health benefits of jackfruit. Hopefully this article can be useful.
Jackfruit Fruit for Health Benefits
1. Increase Endurance BodyJackfruit can be useful to improve our immune system. This is because jackfruit contains Vitamin C which was instrumental in improving the immune system so that it can protect us from various viruses and bacteria.
2. Prevent CancerJackfruit are also believed to prevent cancer. This is because jackfruit contain phytonutrients such as lignans, isoflavones and saponins that have anti-cancer properties and anti-aging. With the existence of this phytonutrient, can help counteract free radicals in the body cause cancer and slow the degeneration of cells that degenerative diseases can be avoided.
3. Prevent ConstipationJackfruit are also very useful to prevent constipation. This is because the jackfruit is rich in fiber which is very good for the digestion so as to prevent constipation and help in the movement of the small intestine.
4. Healthy EyesJackfruit are also very useful in healthy eyes. This is because jackfruit contains vitamin A which is a nutrient that plays an important role in maintaining the function of the eyes and skin. Vitamin A can also prevent diseases associated with vision such as night blindness and macular degeneration.
5. Strengthen BonesJackfruit is also very useful in strengthening bones. This is because jackfruit contains the mineral magnesium that can aid in the absorption of calcium and helps strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.
6. Controlling Blood PressureJackfruit are also very useful in controlling blood pressure. This is because jackfruit contains potassium or potassium are also very instrumental in helping to balance our blood pressure.
Jackfruit has a sweet taste and texture of the flesh of the fruit that is rich in fiber. But not only that, jackfruit also has a myriad of benefits. For that through this article I try to share information regarding the health benefits of jackfruit. Hopefully this article can be useful.
Jackfruit Fruit for Health Benefits
1. Increase Endurance BodyJackfruit can be useful to improve our immune system. This is because jackfruit contains Vitamin C which was instrumental in improving the immune system so that it can protect us from various viruses and bacteria.
2. Prevent CancerJackfruit are also believed to prevent cancer. This is because jackfruit contain phytonutrients such as lignans, isoflavones and saponins that have anti-cancer properties and anti-aging. With the existence of this phytonutrient, can help counteract free radicals in the body cause cancer and slow the degeneration of cells that degenerative diseases can be avoided.
3. Prevent ConstipationJackfruit are also very useful to prevent constipation. This is because the jackfruit is rich in fiber which is very good for the digestion so as to prevent constipation and help in the movement of the small intestine.
4. Healthy EyesJackfruit are also very useful in healthy eyes. This is because jackfruit contains vitamin A which is a nutrient that plays an important role in maintaining the function of the eyes and skin. Vitamin A can also prevent diseases associated with vision such as night blindness and macular degeneration.
5. Strengthen BonesJackfruit is also very useful in strengthening bones. This is because jackfruit contains the mineral magnesium that can aid in the absorption of calcium and helps strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.
6. Controlling Blood PressureJackfruit are also very useful in controlling blood pressure. This is because jackfruit contains potassium or potassium are also very instrumental in helping to balance our blood pressure.
Manfaat Buah Klapa sebagai kesehatan
Coconut fruit is actually very beneficial to health, because the nutrients in it. Among them there are minerals, protein, fats, vitamins, iron and anti-oxidants which are all extremely helpful to your body.
1. Removing toxins present in your body, because this palm fruit is anti viral and anti-bacterial.
2.Your digestive system, because the coconut fruit is rich in fiber which is good for the body.
3.Preventing premature aging, due to anti-oxidant content.
4.Strengthen bones and teeth because of coconuts also have calcium and magnesium.
5.Coconut fruit to supplement your body ion for mineral content.
6.If you use coconut water to wash hair then your hair will look shinier and stronger.
7.The content of saturated fat in coconut fruit also serves to strengthen your heart.
8.Instead of water in the body
9.and many other benefits.
Manfaat dari buah klapa ini
1. Removing toxins present in your body, because this palm fruit is anti viral and anti-bacterial.
2.Your digestive system, because the coconut fruit is rich in fiber which is good for the body.
3.Preventing premature aging, due to anti-oxidant content.
4.Strengthen bones and teeth because of coconuts also have calcium and magnesium.
5.Coconut fruit to supplement your body ion for mineral content.
6.If you use coconut water to wash hair then your hair will look shinier and stronger.
7.The content of saturated fat in coconut fruit also serves to strengthen your heart.
8.Instead of water in the body
9.and many other benefits.
Manfaat Buah Kurma Bagi kesehatan
Dates are one of the super fruit that is durable for the store, with no shortage of nutrients that are in this dalamnya.Buah very useful as well as the Natural Medicine is fitting well as the provision of long trips, fresh palm fruit has a sweet taste and the meat has a soft fiber that has content of dextrose and fructose are easily processed by the body, and the body restores power in a fast way.
1. Handle dull skinSkin need nutrients to keep her healthy and radiant. Lack of nutrients in the skin can cause skin dull and damaged. Skin changes are needed to replace some of the dead skin cells. Palm fruit contain vitamin A which can get rid of dead skin cells and dry. Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid commonly meant by that is in the palm fruit can repair damaged skin caused by free radicals.
2. Avoidance of premature agingPalm fruit is rich in anti-oxidants which is very efficient to fight against skin damage caused by free radicals. Remarkably, the anti-oxidants present in palm fruit works from the inside as well as outside the body. By regularly consume dates will protect skin elasticity, until the skin taut and youthful.
3. Avoidance of infection on sensitive skinProtein and vitamin B6 in it can avoid infection and irritation for those who have sensitive skin. Wear face masks as well as will make it look fresh and radiant. Steps to smooth the date palm and cold yoghurt to the juice, then smeared-dab in the face as well as a mask. Let inherent in your face all the most minute, moments before being washed.
1. Handle dull skinSkin need nutrients to keep her healthy and radiant. Lack of nutrients in the skin can cause skin dull and damaged. Skin changes are needed to replace some of the dead skin cells. Palm fruit contain vitamin A which can get rid of dead skin cells and dry. Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid commonly meant by that is in the palm fruit can repair damaged skin caused by free radicals.
2. Avoidance of premature agingPalm fruit is rich in anti-oxidants which is very efficient to fight against skin damage caused by free radicals. Remarkably, the anti-oxidants present in palm fruit works from the inside as well as outside the body. By regularly consume dates will protect skin elasticity, until the skin taut and youthful.
3. Avoidance of infection on sensitive skinProtein and vitamin B6 in it can avoid infection and irritation for those who have sensitive skin. Wear face masks as well as will make it look fresh and radiant. Steps to smooth the date palm and cold yoghurt to the juice, then smeared-dab in the face as well as a mask. Let inherent in your face all the most minute, moments before being washed.
Manfaat Buah Coklat bagi kesehatan
1. Being the manufacture of chocolateCokat fruit (cocoa) is the main ingredient of chocolate pembauatan. The fruit is ready to be processed for the next harvest are made of chocolate. There are several types of chocolate commonly made that chocoate dark (dark brown) and cocoa powder.The second ingredient was the fruit of chocolate will be processed again to become various types of processed chocolate that we usually encounter at the store or market. These species of which are brown bullion, chocolate drinks, chocolate cake and chocolate candy.Basically no chocolate taste was sweet but had a bitter taste. You must be careful when buying chocolate that already exist in the market because the chocolate contains sugar usually very high so that mask the bitterness that existed at the chocolate.
2. Improving moodThe content of the fruit in chocolate such as caffeine, methyl - xanthine, theobromine and phenylethylalanine. Of the overall content of the lot has benefits one of which is to have soothing properties and can improve the condition of the mind, It can improve one's mood. besides chocolate also has benefits as preventing stress and reduce stress.
3. Antidote free radicalsBrown fruit contains very important as flavonoids and antioxidants. Both of these substances are the most important as an antidote to free radicals in the body. Because free radicals that have entered into the body can cause a variety of diseases and attacks can weaken the immune system. Then eat chocolate with sufficient dose so that you can avoid the various types of attacks caused by free radicals.
Manfaat Buah Bengkuang untuk kesehatan
Yam refreshing and high water is rich in various nutrients and has many health benefits. Jicama highest vitamin is vitamin C, while the mineral content is phosphorus, iron, calcium and others. Due to a high water content, jicama can refresh the body and increase fluid in the body. Jicama is also considered to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Jicama is commonly used in beauty products, body scrub, facial soap, moisturizer, and lotion, because it has a moisturizing effect and cool efficacy yam benefits for health and beauty.
1. Help treat Hemorrhoids
Fiber in the yam can help to overcome hemorrhoids. This is because the benefits of fiber is helping facilitate the digestive tract, so BAB becomes easier and painless. Thus, hemorrhoids will more easily and quickly to be cured with treatment. To overcome hemorrhoids, made in the form of juice and drink every waking in the morning.
2. Treating Fever
Yam contains a chemical compound that is efficacious to cool and reduce fever. Yam tubers can be eaten directly or made into juice and drink the morning and afternoon.
3. Good for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Besides using drugs doctors, jicama can be used to help maintain blood sugar levels. Dietary fiber contained in yam plays lowering blood sugar levels, because it will be absorbed by the digestive slowly and not all converted into glucose. To keep blood sugar levels remain normal, jicama can be made juice or grated then filtered and taken every morning and afternoon.
1. Help treat Hemorrhoids
Fiber in the yam can help to overcome hemorrhoids. This is because the benefits of fiber is helping facilitate the digestive tract, so BAB becomes easier and painless. Thus, hemorrhoids will more easily and quickly to be cured with treatment. To overcome hemorrhoids, made in the form of juice and drink every waking in the morning.
2. Treating Fever
Yam contains a chemical compound that is efficacious to cool and reduce fever. Yam tubers can be eaten directly or made into juice and drink the morning and afternoon.
3. Good for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Besides using drugs doctors, jicama can be used to help maintain blood sugar levels. Dietary fiber contained in yam plays lowering blood sugar levels, because it will be absorbed by the digestive slowly and not all converted into glucose. To keep blood sugar levels remain normal, jicama can be made juice or grated then filtered and taken every morning and afternoon.
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